Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Holy Week Snacks for Children's Church

My sacrilegious comment for today (read as joke and commentary)

Licorice flogs using black and red Twizzlers
Crown of Thorn "haystacks" from Chow Mien noodles and butterscotch
Raspberry gel filled chocolate crucifix
Empty tomb cookies for Sunday

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Heaven isn't very Biblical

Theological Gut Check:

Can anyone find an actual mention of "heaven" in the UMC Book of Discipline 2008? I see references to "the hope of life eternal" and "God's realm and reign," but not "heaven."

Maybe what is taught in pulpits isn't official doctrine. I'd even stretch to say that the commonly held understanding of "heaven" isn't very scriptural when compared to Jesus' teachings on the "Kingdom of God."

Maybe it's not about your reward in death, but your faithfulness in life, that matters to God.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dogwood blight

Just outside the door at my parsonage, there's an old dogwood tree. When we arrived two years ago, the tree was full of dead and dying branches as the Dogwood Anthracnose (aka the blight) slowly spread throughout the tree. Last year, I rented a power trimmer (aka chainsaw-on-a-stick) and cleared off the dead limbs, even cutting off a main trunk split. I pruned carefully, making sure to make cuts that would not hold water and making sure the whole tree would be balanced. Today, as I left for work, I noticed that the bark on the main truck has started to slough off. The tree is dying, and stopping it now would take fungicide and other dangerous chemical treatments. It might take a few more years while the tree makes vain attempts to send out new shoots and limbs, but it's only a matter of time before the tree dies.

I wonder if my Church is like that tree?