Monday, October 1, 2012


The Bible is the greatest travel guide ever written. It's the story of people on the move - physically and spiritually - as they try to journey alongside God. The journey moves from Eden to Ur to Jerusalem to Egypt to Babylon to Judah to Rome and on into all the world. It amazes me how much a relocation changes a person's outlook. Along with the anxiety and busy-ness of the move come hope and excitement. A year ago, my family and I moved from a small town shadowed by the Cumberland Gap to become anonymous residents of the East Coast Megalopolis. Since then we've found new friends, new schools, a new church family, and now, a new job. An interim position - defined by it's temporary status. A reminder that I may still be on the move physically. And, hopefully, I'm on the move spiritually, too. In Tennessee, I had stagnated and become comfortable. My spiritual life was no longer vital, only familiar. A daily commute through familiar territory that can be navigated in a trance of numbness. I was on auto pilot. Now, I'm exploring new territory. Like Abraham and Moses and Paul and countless others, I am called to a new place to do a new thing. Hopefully, prayerfully, I too will find God waiting for me and pointing to the next step forward.

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